Birdstrike species identification using DNA-barcoding

Policy Concern Category: Forensics, economic impact

The Brussels Airport Company and the military Air Component of the Belgian Army are in need of accurate identifications of birds involved in birdstrike incidents. BopCo, in collaboration with RMCA’s taxonomic experts, investigate the feathers to identify the bird species, both by morphology and molecular techniques. In case of blood traces (or any other remains), DNA-based species identifications are necessary since no morphological characteristics can be studied. Based on the provided species identifications, the Brussels Airport Company and the military Air Component of the Belgian Army can implement the necessary precautions to prevent future birdstrikes.
Within the framework of this recurrent request, knowledge gaps concerning the availability of COI sequences for multiple genera (e.g. Larus) were detected. In response, several voucher specimens made available by the Ornithology Collection of the RMCA were used for DNA barcoding. The generated sequences were uploaded to the online reference databases.

BopCo Coordinator: Kenny Meganck

Partners & Collaborators:
Brussels Airport Company and the military Air Component of the Belgian Army



Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith