DNA barcoding and identification of intermediate slug hosts in the framework of an epidemiological survey in Germany

Policy Concern Category: parasites, disease vector, public health, pet health

There is evidence that infections of metastrongyloid lungworms that infect canids, felids and humans are spreading beyond endemic areas by means of the parasite’s most common intermediate host, viz. slugs. These infections can cause severe symptoms such as systemic bleeding disorders in domestic dogs.  Nevertheless, only a few studies are investigating  the prevalence of metastrongyloid lungworms in their natural intermediate hosts in Europe. Therefore, an epidemiological study examining slug populations in Germany was undertaken by the Institute of Parasitology JLU Giessen. Overall, a total of 2701 slugs were collected and examined for lungworm larvae. BopCo has taken part in the project by using DNA-barcoding to identify the 16 slugs which could not be unambiguously identified based on morphology. The data in this study demonstrate that final hosts are at a permanent risk for infections of the lungworm A. vasorum during all seasons when living in investigated areas. For further details, please contact BopCo.

BopCo Coordinators: Yoo Ree Van Bourgonie

Collaboration: Institute of Parasitology JLU Giessen

Publications & Presentations:

  • Van Bourgonie,YR., Lange, M., Penagos-Tabares, F., Hirzmann, J., Failing, K., Schaper, R., Dimzas, D., Diakou, A., Hermosilla, C., Taubert, A., Di Cesare, A., Morelli, S., Gombeer, S., Smitz, N., Meganck, K., De Meyer, M. & Backeljau, T. 'DNA barcoding and identification of intermediate slug hosts in the framework of an epidemiological survey in Germany'. 8th International Barcode of Life Conference, 17–20 June 2019. Trondheim, Norway. PDF
  • Lange M.K., Penagos-Tabares F., Hirzmann J., Failing K., Schaper R., Van Bourgonie Y.R., Backeljau T., Hermosilla C., Taubert A. 2018. ‘Prevalence of Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Crenosoma vulpis larvae in native slug populations in Germany’. Veterinary Parasitology. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2018.03.011
  • Van Bourgonie Y.R., Backeljau T., Lange M.K., Penagos-Tabares F., Hirzmann J., Failing K., Schaper R., Hermosilla C., Taubert A. ‘DNA barcoding and identification of intermediate slug hosts in the framework of an epidemiological survey in Germany’. 24th Congress of Zoology, 23-24 November 2017, Wageningen, The Netherlands. PDF



Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith